Renovating My Bakery Room Box!!!
Yep, pretty awful designing originally on my behalf. In my defense I didn't have much brain power due to my severe Anorexia, but I did try. It needs to go though, it reminds me of such bad times that I need to change it or throw it away. So change it I shall.
Removing the tiles on the one side was easy. Came off like smooth butter. The other side, with the skinny black and white glass tiles from Bunnings, OMFG. I honestly ended up with a hammer smashing the absolute s*%t out of them, because they were shattering but not coming off. Grrrr. Then in my temper I realised I smashed through the floor board of the bakery. Fine, new floor was cut out and glued on. So much easier than continuing my tantrum, as fun as it was smashing things with a hammer lol.
I got a chisel and peeled off the wallpaper, It came off quite easily. I had to rub off the glue that stuck the wall paper down, and then I sanded it and also put a few layers of gesso on it.
This is the glue I had to peel off.

Since I had inadvertently broken the base of the bakery, I had to pull the walls off. This actually made it easier to scrape and put gesso on.
After prepping everything, and cutting a new floor, I had to glue the walls back onto the base. Now it took me two days to see the mistake I made, and by then the walls were glued down, quite firmly. See if you can see the mistake, lol.
Yep, walls went on upside down. That's no problem except for this one door insert here. I have a plan to fix that though, it's no big problem (I hope)! I used Helmar Super Strength Wood Glue to stick it down, it wasn't going to come off easy so I decided to leave it.
Now for the exciting bit. I decided to make a resin floor on the larger Bakery side. Yay I was excited. I love resin and I haven't used it in a while because of my allergy. Now was the time to bring out the fun!!
I used painters tape to go all the way around the edge of the outside walls of the room I was going to resin. This should stop any resin leaking into my storage room. It actually worked quite well. I was happy with it.
Link to my Youtube video which shows the making of the resin floor here.
It begins at approximately 12 minutes 30 seconds in the video.
I used white resin dye on one side, black resin dye on the other side. I left a gap in the middle for the blue and silver I wanted to blow into it. For the blue I actually used Pearl Ex to colour the resin, I love the effect the Pearl Ex has on resin, it makes it all shimmery. For the Silver resin I used just cheap acrylic silver paint and lots of glitter. If you watch the video you will understand how I made the pattern.
I absolutely love the way it has turned out. It is so glossy and shiny and glittery. I love resin and I love miniatures. Perfect combination 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.
On the Storage side of the bakery I decided to use my own tiles that I made from resin, black dye and silver glitter. These are available on My Etsy Shop, Link here. I have many colours and styles available.
I began by gluing the resin tiles down with Helmar's wood glue again. It worked superbly for the body of the bakery so I thought I would stick with it. It honestly did not take too long to glue all of the tiles down.

When I finished, I used grout tiling powder to fill in the gaps and cement the tiles to the ground, the powder is available in the craft section from Bunnings. I am yet to polish the tiles as I have so much going on at the moment.
I have already begun the painting and the decorations on the walls. I don't want to ruin the surprise so I shall wait until my next dollhouse update.
My current Projects I am working on........
An acrylic paint pour onto a vase.
A resin ocean pour on canvas.
Finally put the legs on to my river Resin miniature table.
A miniature polymer clay ming vase.
And I finally finished the black Pug in oil paints that I started a while ago. IT was hard.
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Until next time.........