Set backs, mistakes and frustrations.
As I sit here writing this I realise that I am not in a writey mood. All my effort and thoughts are elsewhere and I am struggling to put down the words. The longer I type though, the more I am getting into it. I find that this is similar to lots of other things, until I actually start and make myself do something, it seems too daunting and big of a job. Once underway, I actually enjoy it, so without further adieu here it is. My blog post about my gorgeous dragon egg.
My vision was this magnificent dragon egg, glowing furiously, with a polymer clay dragon tail that protruded out from it. First off, me using a jigsaw, ugh, we are not a good match. My mdf cutting of an egg shape not so great. So all my dreams shattered I had to wait until I had help to cut it. This completely demotivated me and to be honest I did feel like a failure. Every time I saw that badly cut egg I would remind myself how useless I am. Why bother Kristina, I would think. Nothing you do is good.
I put the egg in the too hard basket. I would get annoyed every time I saw it. There was always this part of me though, that saw it and wanted to start, wanted to make it turn into the vision in my head. The old me, I have to be honest, would've thrown it away and never tried again. I have this little bit of determination now, that I never used to have.

So with it newly cut by my wonderful husband I decided I could start.
I originally painted the base of the egg in Cadmium Orange hue acrylics. Then I applied a layer of Golden's glazing medium mixed with the encapsulated glow powder. It glowed, but not enough. I wanted the orange to burst out from between the scales when I painted them on, like fire, not like badly painted s%#t. This set me back again, I don't handle stuff ups very well. So there the egg sat, taunting me, laughing at me, again. Until I got so angry that I wanted to teach it a lesson lol.
I put the egg in the too hard basket. I would get annoyed every time I saw it. There was always this part of me though, that saw it and wanted to start, wanted to make it turn into the vision in my head. The old me, I have to be honest, would've thrown it away and never tried again. I have this little bit of determination now, that I never used to have.

So with it newly cut by my wonderful husband I decided I could start.
I originally painted the base of the egg in Cadmium Orange hue acrylics. Then I applied a layer of Golden's glazing medium mixed with the encapsulated glow powder. It glowed, but not enough. I wanted the orange to burst out from between the scales when I painted them on, like fire, not like badly painted s%#t. This set me back again, I don't handle stuff ups very well. So there the egg sat, taunting me, laughing at me, again. Until I got so angry that I wanted to teach it a lesson lol.

I decided to just paint the egg, and make the glow between the scales by painting the areas in. I started with red acrylic paint as the base layer, added black to make the shadows, and put the scales on. OMG ick. Just ick. Anger again grew within me and I wanted to scream, it looks like crap!! Well maybe a little more profanity than "crap" was used lol. Walk away, again. I walked back though, and even more determined than ever I decided after two hours of individually painting on the scales that I had to redo them all. Then I had to shade them, covering some up in darker colours, but I was finally seeing an egg shape appearing. GLIMMER OF HOPE!!
I put some cracks in so I could make them glow instead of the scales, less work shhhhhhh.
The cracks I hated with a passion. I won't go over how long it took for me to get the darn things right. I almost gave up again. I was beginning to hate this egg.

The cracks I hated with a passion. I won't go over how long it took for me to get the darn things right. I almost gave up again. I was beginning to hate this egg.
NO NO NO. It just looked wrong no matter how much fiddling I did. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
I decided to focus on the dragon tail that I wanted to come out of a crack in the egg. Using polymer clay I made the tail, baked it. Then held it up to the egg and hated the way it looked.
I decided to focus on the dragon tail that I wanted to come out of a crack in the egg. Using polymer clay I made the tail, baked it. Then held it up to the egg and hated the way it looked.

I had come this far I was NOT giving up. I painted the dragon tail but it still looked like some weird tail that didn't fit with the egg. I think it needed to be bigger. I kept the tail but it is for something else. This egg was not it's place. Dammit. My 9 year old son said to me, "I thought you were going to have an eye in a crack?" Hmmmm, no I didn't but that sounds like a good idea, thank you lol.
Painted the eye, wrong, wrong wrong. It took me a while to realise that I needed black paint in the cracks, because inside the egg would be dark. Once I did that it was like angels were singing in the background.
Still desperately trying to make the tail fit, lol.

I got the normal glow powder, mixed it with the resin and slowly and delicately poured it on the cracks and the eye. I left this to dry, because I wanted to make it super glossy so it needed another resin layer. I used Solid solutions resin, I haven't had a problem with it, except for the occasional patch of the art or table that doesn't get covered with resin, no matter how much I spread it. It's called a dip or something like that. Very frustrating. I call them oogies. So I did pour another layer of clear resin over the egg, but I got oogies. three of them. FFFFFFFFluffy puddles!!!!!
I poured another layer, carefully ensuring that the oogies were covered, and agh, nope. I love solid solutions resin, it does everything I want, and because I am still a beginner perhaps it is something I do to make the oogies happen. I don't know. I do absolutely adore that resin. I'm just trying out new ones to see what I like. Bunnings the hardware store here in Australia, sell a beautiful gorgeous glassy oh so glossy resin. Oh I love it, perfect, but almost $60 a litre. A little bit too pricey. Save it for the special pieces.
The egg glowed, it was shiny, it looked like a dragon egg, the majority of it was a glass finish, but those damn oogies were killing me.
You can see the defects in this video on the resin.
I ran out of resin while doing the egg so I bought in bulk a different resin. It is designed not to have oogies!!!!! It kept it's promise!!!! NO oogies!!!! YAY.

And here is my pugs reflection in the egg.
Wow, I just realised that after my initial frustrations of writing something, I have gotten more done than I thought. It is good to get this out of my head and accomplish something, even if it's never read by anyone, I did it. I finished the egg, I didn't stop trying. I love the end product and I feel good about myself momentarily.
Now onto the next project. I have been focusing too much on tables and resin geodes etc that I have neglected my main passion, painting. My next big goal is a huge canvas painting of Aquaman's face (Jason Momoa). With water dripping off it. In oils. I cannot wait to grid it up and start. I just have so many things to get done. I also think Aqua man is going to take me two weeks to paint so it won't be done in time for my next blog.
I am unsure what my next blog will be about. I'm thinking maybe a detailed (kind of) blog about the products I use in the resin geodes, like the glitter and the gems etc. Or possibly I could do a blog about the Captain America table I will be finished this week. Or the one I am looking forward to but I know I will fail and get angry at for a while, the harry potter glowing table I have plans for. I also want to address mental illness and it's ability to kill every thing and every relationship in my life, and how I chose to fight everyday. Some days just making sure my kids are happy and safe is enough. Mental health is very important I am learning.
Anyway, enjoy your week. It is my daughters birthday this week. She is a beautiful 22 this year.
Enjoy yourselves.
Please follow me on facebook........... KristinaObrienart
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Hopefully within the month I will have my own website selling my one of a kind products, and if I can conquer my fear of being seen I will have a Youtube channel.
I love the egg. The inner glow is perfect.