
Saturday 15 June 2019

Aussie YouTube Hop Painting Tutorial of Mario from Super Mario Bros


Do you have fond memories of playing a Super Mario Bros game when you were a kid?  Or even now, as an adult do you still play it?  I remember the fun with Mario Kart with my kids, but I also remember the tantrums thrown by me with the original games and those damn tubes and mushrooms.  Oh the mushrooms, how I hated them!

For this month (June) the Aussie YouTube hop theme is playing with your supplies.

Now I had problems with this theme and I almost chickened out.  All of the other YouTube hoppers are wonderful scrapbookers and mixed media artists.  I am the odd one out, and I fight this feeling every time I take part in a hop.  Playing with paint is easy, but to satisfy my need and desire to create an interesting an perfect painting that will ease my perfectionist traits is difficult.

So I came up with Mario, at first I thought I would just paint him.  He is a game so technically that is playing, but then some stupid part of my brain says hey, let's do it without a paintbrush.  Let's play with the paint.  Yep, I shall smack that voice next time it talks to me lol. It turned out ok, but my gosh it was difficult and I struggled and I huffed and I sighed a lot lol.
Here is the result of the playing with paint tutorial.

Here is the link to the painting tutorial for this months hop:

Don't forget to follow the rest of the hoppers in the list that I will have in the description below the video.  We all try really hard to give you the best video that we can come up with.  So please support all the wonderful ladies involved.

To complete this painting tutorial you will need to be able to splatter paint.  Yay messy!!
You will also need to use your fingers.  Now here comes the big warning, do NOT use Cadmium paint, Chromium Paint, or any paint with a health warning when you are using your fingers.  Just read the label on the paint to see if it has a health warning.  Craft paints are generally ok, but please just make sure.

One more warning, it is fine to paint this Mario Bros painting for yourself, or to give away, but for the sake of your sanity, I wouldn't sell anything that is copyrighted, and Super Mario is copyrighted.  So this is an enjoyment painting.

I also use Q-tips (ear buds here in Oz), and a dotting tool.  I sneak in a little paint brush because, well, if you've read my other posts you will know, I am kinda perfectionist.  I needed to use the paintbrush for a few minutes to ease the craziness in my head lol.

So I hope you enjoy this weeks YouTube video and this months hop video.  By far I really enjoy doing the hop videos, I feel like I am a part of something.

Look after yourselves, and keep arting, and farting.  Perhaps at the same time lol.

Please follow me on facebook........... KristinaObrienart

I am also on Instagram..........

Aaaand Pinterest.......

And now Youtube.......

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